Sunday, October 5, 2008
Monday, December 17, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
saat ke costco tadi, ada kupon discount 40% untuk pembelian DVD 1 sampe 5-nya 24. gambarnya jack bauer lagi ngacengin eh ngacungin pistol. gagah banget.
aku pegangin kuponnya, sambil mandangin photo kang bauer....*teringat maduku dibelahan dunia sono...."why are you looking at his pic so much, sweety ?" tegur si hubby. eh..baru tersadar hehehhe....tersadar dari mengkhayal meluk jack bauer.....
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Nasib 24 di Indonesia
Belakangan ini, Global TV yang tayangin, mulai season 1. Jam 23.00 juga, tiap Senin sampai Jumat. Eh, belum juga kang Jack itu sempat membebaskan istri dan anaknya dari tempat penculikan, 3 hari ini udah gak tayang lagi. Gak tau sementara, apa seterusnya gak tayang, gak jelas juga. Gak ada alasan sama sekali, misal kejuaran Piala Dunia atau apa.
Kenapa sih nasib 24 di Indonesia itu selalu aja:
1. tayang almost midnight
2. gak pernah selesai episodenya
Kenapa dengan nasibmu ??????????
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Mau Terbit Lagi
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Kiefer Sutherland faces drunk driving charge

Actor Kiefer Sutherland was arrested early Tuesday on suspicion of misdemeanor drunk driving in West Los Angeles, while still on probation after a 2004 conviction for a similar offense, authorities said.
Aguirre said Sutherland, 40, failed a Breathalyzer exam, registering over the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08%, before being arrested. He was booked at the Hollywood station and released about 4 a.m. after posting $25,000 bail, Aguirre said. Sutherland is scheduled to appear in court Oct. 16.
The city attorney's office had not received the police report and had not filed charges by late Tuesday. A misdemeanor driving under the influence count would carry a maximum sentence of a year in jail. Sutherland also could face a charge of violating probation. Los Angeles County Superior Court records show Sutherland was twice convicted for alcohol-related reckless driving, in 1989 and in 1993.
In November 2004, Sutherland pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence and was sentenced to 60 months of probation and 50 hours of community service and ordered to attend an alcohol treatment program, said Frank Mateljan, a spokesman for the city attorney's office.
bad boy....dont drink and drive donk jacccckkkkk....huhuhu sedih neh kalo jack masuk penjara.
Paling Berkesan

Lagi gak mau baca-baca, meskipun punya buku-buku baru, aku nonton lagi 24 season 1. Kangen dan pengen liat lagi, biasanya ada aja yang dulu terlewatkan detailnya. Atau lupa. Jadi ingat, kenapa dulu pertama nonton ini trus nulis di blog yang satu.
Ada satu adegan dan dialog yang berkesan karena agak dekat dengan keseharianku. Yaitu waktu Terry Bauer di St.Mark's Hospital, dia bilang ke the fake Alan York kalau sebenarnya dia gak begitu ngerti apa yang Jack lakukan dalam pekerjaannya. Karena Jack memang gak mau cerita banyak tentang pekerjaannya ke keluarga selain fakta bahwa dia adalah agen pemerintah yang berkantor di Counter Terrorist Unit. Kenapa Jack gak mau cerita, aku tahu alasannya. Dia gak mau beresiko dengan keamanan keluarganya. Dan memang itu diakui Jack waktu dia bilang ke Terry, bahwa dia sudah membangun 'tembok tebal' antara pekerjaan dan keluarga untuk melindungi istri dan anaknya itu. Tapi saat itu temboknya runtuh hingga dia harus berusaha keras untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang yang dia cintai.
Alasan yang sama yang dilakukan Uban ke keluarganya. Dia juga gak pernah mau bercerita tentang pekerjaannya kecuali yang umum saja. Karena dalam pekerjaannya, memang kadang dia harus bersinggungan dengan bahaya. Bahkan seringkali aku curi baca ada ancaman dalam SMS di HPnya. Itulah mengapa aku senang 24, membantuku memahami lebih dalam kesulitan-kesulitan Uban.
So...gimana denganmu Nek?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fallen-nya Pretty Woman, Di dadaku ada kamu-nya Vina Panduwinata,.....tiba-tiba....." I'm federal agent Jack Bauer, today is the longest day of my life..."
Melotot dan melongolah selebar2nya....oalaaaah Jaaacckkk.....gak usah ikut dulu napa seeh...lagi liburan neeeh....lagian siapa neh yg masukin rekaman suaranya ke iPod !!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Ending Season 6
Tapi, gw suka ama endingnya yang Jack ngomong ke Secretary Heller. Dia kecewa, perih, dan semua yang dia rasain selama kerja disitu. Tuh Heller apa gak merasa "ditampar"....lha wong orang2 model dia yang suka ngorbanin Jack, tapi tetep nyalahin juga dengan akibatnya.
Dan Jack cuma bisa ngomong, " I want my life back! And Audrey is all I've got....."
Duh Jack...kasian banget sih loe....
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Nonton Rerun
tampaknya harus ngirim email nih ke produser 24.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Nunggu Season 7
Hehehe...piss Jack ...please don't shoot me ! Kan penggemar setia...
Nah, sekarang nungguin season 7 nih. Masih lama, Januari tahun depan. Wah...Jack tambah tua aja deh, wong yang season 6 ini aja keliatan tuanya. Tapi tetep oke lah...hihihii
02.00 AM - 06.00 AM
3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.
Jack works with Nadia and Morris to attack the Chinese gunmen who have captured CTU. Doyle and the tac teams arrive to help them finish the job and secure the hostages. Jack and the teams go after Josh. Jack chases Cheng to the roof of a warehouse building and Josh breaks free from Cheng’s grasp. Josh falls, and when Jack goes to save him, Cheng escapes. Jack is ready to bring Josh back to his mother at CTU, but Doyle has Jack held down and grabs the boy instead. He explains to Jack that he is under orders to do so. Jack watches helplessly as Doyle leaves with Josh on a helicopter.
4:00 A.M. – 5:00 A.M.
Although Jack is in custody he calls Karen and begs her to save Josh because he knows Phillip won’t give up the component. Buchanan intercepts the vehicle transporting Jack to a detention facility and helps Jack flee. They go to the beach area where Phillip has instructed CTU to conduct the Josh handover. Yet they find a wounded Doyle and Phillip’s men escaping with Josh by boat. Since the boat must be meeting up with a larger vessel, Jack has Chloe search for oil platforms nearby because Phillip’s company has oil connections.
5:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.
Jack is informed that the White House has ordered an air strike on the oil platform where Phillip is holding Josh. Jack and Buchanan hijack the CTU chopper and go there. Firing at gunmen as they arrive, Jack captures Cheng. He then finds Josh, who has just shot Phillip. Jack convinces Josh not to kill Phillip and sends him to be rescued by Buchanan. Jack wants Phillip to pay for his sins, but there is no time to carry him back to the helicopter. Jack leaves his father to die on the oil rig. Buchanan flies the chopper and Jack leaps to the ladder dangling from it as the oil platform explodes from a missile attack. As they fly over the ocean, Jack jumps into the water and waves to Buchanan and Josh to let him flee. Jack makes his way to James Heller’s house and accuses his former boss of leaving him to die in China even when Audrey tried to save him. Jack demands to see Audrey, and Heller convinces him that she is better off not being in Jack’s life. Jack says goodbye to the unconscious Audrey and tells her that he will always love her. Jack walks out of the house and stares at the ocean, unsure of what he will do next.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Mimpinya david
harusnya khan aku yg mimpiin jack bauer. tapi ini malah suamiku kekkekekkek...tadi malam dia mimpi jadi anak buah jack bauer. lol
laki bini sama aja, cinta jack !!
PS : dilarang muntah
Friday, May 18, 2007
Ya udah, untung ada orang yang bisa dijadikan kambing hitam buat alasan gw nyetel lagi dvdnya. Season 5 aja deh yang gw tonton lagi. Seru abis deh !
Eh...jadi inget pas chat conference bertiga ama temen and maduku ini, itu temen gw hampir ngambek. Dia bilang udah sebel banget kalo kita berdua udah ngomongin Jack. Hahahahahah....lagian masuk room kita gak bawa ember....buat muntah maksudnya.....hahahahah
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
11.00 PM - 02.00 AM
Cheng wants Jack to trade him the Russian nuclear bomb trigger in return for Audrey. Jack gets caught trying to steal the trigger circuit board from the bomb, and he is forced to appeal to President Palmer. He promises Wayne that he will destroy the board before it actually falls into the hands of the Chinese, and the President gives him the go-ahead. When Daniels takes over the Oval Office, his first order is to stop Jack from trading the circuit boards. Doyle is told to apprehend Jack, but Jack takes over the car from him at gunpoint. He leaves Doyle on the side of the road as he goes off to meet with Cheng.
12:00 A.M.-1:00 A.M.
Jack evades CTU’s tracking and makes Cheng meet him at an abandoned hotel. Jack sees Audrey for the first time and apologizes for what he has caused. He sends her out alone to a waiting taxi. As Jack is about to explode himself up along with the circuit board, Doyle appears outside and starts a gun fight with the Chinese guards. Cheng escapes with the component before Jack could destroy it. He is angry with Doyle for ruining his plan, but Doyle is ordered to arrest Jack. Audrey is brought back to the hotel, muttering the same phrase over and over. Jack realizes that she doesn’t recognize her. He fears that the Chinese might have done something to her.
1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M.
Although Jack tries to get through to Audrey, he is arrested by Doyle. Yet when Nadia agrees with a doctor’s intention to drug Audrey even more, Doyle allows Jack to escape from holding in order to save her. Audrey finally says something that is a lead -- the name of the place where the Chinese were holding her. James Heller arrives at CTU to take Audrey, and he warns Jack to stay away from his daughter forever.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Voice Only
daftar pilem/tv episode/games yg cuma makai his voice :
- Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight (2007)
- The Simpsons ; Tv episode GI (Annoyed Grunt) (2006
- 24: The Game (2006)
- The Flight That Fought Back (2005)
- The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration (2003)
- Phone Booth (2002)
- Armitage III: Poly Matrix (1997)
- The Nutcracker Prince (1990)
- DLL....
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10 - 11 PM
The following takes place between 10:00 P.M.-11:00 P.M.
Jack and Doyle fake a rescue of Fayed by his men. Yet when Fayed demands to speak to the general who has been helping him, he gets tipped off that it’s a trap. Fayed escapes but Jack hides on the stolen truck that Fayed is driving to his safe house. Jack raids the safe house single-handedly and he kills Fayed. The remaining bombs are secured. Jack gets a call from Audrey. She’s alive and being held by Cheng, the head of security from the Chinese Consulate who kidnapped Jack eighteen months ago. Cheng orders him to call back from a secure line.
mimpi indah
mungkin karena udah lama gak nonton 24. beberapa hari yg lalu jack muncul di mimpiku haiyayaya.....mimpinya indah pulak. jack bauer jadi pacarku !!
doi meluk aku, aku balas ngelus2x rambutnya yg blonde (lho, kok jadi blonde ?) trus kita tiduran berdua.
udah ah..ntar ada yg jealous......hihihi
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
8.00 PM - 10.00 PM
Jack apprehends the man obtaining nuclear power plant access for Gredenko. Jack uses the man’s autistic brother to lure Gredenko. Gredenko will give up Fayed in return for full amnesty and the promise he won’t turned over to Russia
9:00 P.M.-10:00 P.M.
Although Jack doesn’t trust Gredenko, he readies the amnesty paperwork to get him to help find the nukes. Jack and a field team take a wired Gredenko to meet Fayed, but Gredenko goes missing. Gredenko has severed his arm to elude the CTU tracking implant. Jack tails Fayed and Gredenko to a bar, where the patrons have captured Fayed whom they recognize from the news. Jack apprehends Fayed but Gredenko escapes.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
6.00 PM - 8.00 PM
Jack breaks free from the Russian guards and hides in the Consulate basement. He tries to call CTU with information about Gredenko, but all phone lines are cut. Jack gets a worker to find him a satellite phone, but they come under attack before he can call. Jack is rescued by the CTU SWAT team, and he has Agent Mike Doyle radio Buchanan with Gredenko’s location.
7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.
Jack has broken ribs and is sent back to CTU for treatment. He runs into Marilyn, who reveals that Audrey Raines was killed trying to save him in China. Jack is distraught, but he demands to help CTU bring down the terrorists to avenge Audrey’s death. Despite his chest injuries, Jack leads the field ops team to find Gredenko’s men and he lands the drone carrying the nuclear weapon.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Under Estimate
jarang nongol
di season 6 ini menurutku jack bauer jarang nongol. beda ama season sebelumnya yg tiap 5 menit, jack nongol. juga banyak banget muka muka baru. sampai sekarang aku masih bingung, gimana kabar bapaknya jack ? setelah ninggalin secarik kertas, sampai sekarang gak tau rimbanya. (atau gue yak yg missed 1 episode ?)
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
4.00 PM - 6.00 PM
With Phillip missing, Jack sends Marilyn and Josh back to CTU. He goes to meet with Logan even though he distrusts him. Logan insists that he can appeal to Markov, the Russian who has worked with Gredenk, because of their past relationship. Jack asks Wayne to grant Logan a furlough so that the former President can deal with Markov in person
5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.
Jack accompanies Logan to the Russian Consulate. Logan believes that Markov is lying about his connection to Gredenko. Jack breaks into the Consulate building and tortures Markov until the man gives up that Gredenko is in the Mojave Desert arming drones with nuclear warheads. The Russian guards take Jack hostage before he can alert anyone about his discovery. Jack persuades one of the guards to call CTU with the news, but the guard is killed by his boss before he can warn CTU.
Monday, March 5, 2007
24 (season 1)
Season One of the television series 24 was first broadcast from November 6, 2001 to May 21, 2002. The season's storyline starts at 12:00 a.m. on the day of California Presidential primary.
“Right now, terrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate. My wife and daughter have been targeted, and people that I work with may be involved in both. I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.”
—Jack Bauer
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
3.00 PM - 4.00 PM

Jack rescues Marilyn, but is shocked to learn that she was covering for Phillip. Marilyn only wants to get her son back. Jack promises to do so when she helps lead him to Phillip. Phillip trades Josh for Jack, and he admits to Jack that Gredenko had been blackmailing him to expose his involvement in David Palmer’s assassination. Phillip only wanted to stop Gredenko, who gave the nukes to Fayed. Phillip is ready to kill Jack but disappears. He leaves a cell phone for Jack to dial a number. The person on the other end is former President Charles Logan, who says that he may be able to help Jack find Gredenko.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Mbikin Orang Geleng Kepala

Lho, kenapa kok sampe geleng kepala? Ya iya lah...lha wong segitu cintanya sama mas Jack Bauer satu ini, sampe rela melakukan apa pun, bahkan sampe menahan rasa sungkan.
Sungkan? Yah, sungkan sama :
- suami, karena mbolos masak dan milih 'delivery order'.
- temen lama yang juga udah lama gak ketemu, tapi tetep aja nitip minta dibeliin DVD season terbaru.
- pembantu, karena tiap dia dateng pagi2, pasti nyonya rumahnya lagi asik nonton youtubenya mas Jack ato mas Kiefer.
- anak-anak, karena mulai background desktop sampe screen savernya, gambarnya mas Jack semua.
- temen2 YM, soalnya gambar ID-ku seringnya ya mukanya si mas Jack juga...
Trus apalagi? Sampe minta dipasangin Indovision dan dicek terus tiap hari, cuma biar bisa nonton filmnya mas Jack versi terbaru. Ternyata....yg terbaru belum tayang. adanya baru season 3 yang aku udah hapal banget nama-nama dan ceritanya. Tapi...ya tetep aja ditonton biarpun 3 kali sehari mainnya.
Trus? yah...biarlah semua pada geleng kepala dan mau muntah, toh tetep aja berjatuhan korban-korban baru dari propagandaku...hahahhha..
Tapi, aku malah geleng kepala sendiri liat suamiku. Lha dia itu kok mau-maunya nuruti apa yang diminta istrinya, padahal kan itu selingkuh....hahahhahah.....pake cerita-cerita dengan geli ke tiap orang pula.....
Lho...postingan ini pas Valentine yah? Ealaaaah...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
12.00PM - 3.00PM
Jack and Phillip escape from Graem’s henchmen and head back to the mansion. CTU sends backup and an interrogation unit. Jack captures his brother and tortures him to get him to divulge where McCarthy is. Graem doesn’t say anything about McCarthy, but confesses to being responsible for the attempts on Jack’s life as well as the deaths of David Palmer, Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler. Jack knows he is hiding more, and is about to kill him. The sight of their father stops him. Phillip apologizes to Jack for alienating him in the past.
1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M.
After CTU traces a call made to McCarthy’s phone, Jack rushes to Fayed’s hideout and kills all of his men. Fayed escapes and leaves an armed nuclear bomb in the building. With Chloe’s help, Jack is able to deactivate it. Yet Morris confesses that he was forced to create a new trigger for Fayed that will allow him to detonate the remaining suitcase nukes.
2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M.
Jack returns to the CTU office for the first time in almost two years. He meets Phillip there. Although Jack is apologetic, Phillip blames him for Graem’s death. When Jack asks him about Gredenko, Phillip feigns ignorance. Jack admits to Buchanan that he thought about killing his brother during the interrogation but he stopped himself before it went further. Jack is willing to accept the consequences for murdering Graem. Marilyn doesn’t hold a grudge towards Jack, and agrees to show him a house where Graem met with Russians. Unbeknownst to Jack, Phillip threatens to kill Marilyn’s son and forces her to lead Jack into a trap. Jack is almost killed, but he escapes.
Monday, February 5, 2007
pertama kali nonton 24, secara gak sengaja tahun 2003 saat nih tangan gatel mau nukar channel. terdamparlah di sctv. wah, serial televisi apa neh ? gak pernah liat. untungnya pas episode 1, season 1. ternyata seru juga. tegang. alhasil ngantuk pun hilang.
so, sejak itu tiap minggu jam 11 malam aku tungguin 24. tapi dasar tv indonesia siyalan, suka-suka dia aja. baru juga 7 episode, dihentikan dg semena-mena. pas pindah ke america, baru deh bisa nonton lagi sepuasnya. dari season 1 sampe 5 masih ada.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
International Broadcasters
Tv-tv yg nyiarin 24....yuck, cuma indonesia yg gak nyiarin....
United States
Fox Broadcasting Company
November 6, 2001
Monday 9:00/8:00 p.m. central
Global Television Network
November 6, 2001
Monday 10:00 p.m. (pacific)
24 heures chrono("24 hours stopwatch"/"24-hour countdown")
Télé-Québec (French version)
Tuesday 9:00 p.m.repeat Saturday 10:30 p.m.
Canal 2 (Argentina) and Canal Fox
March 4, 2002
Channel Seven and FOX8
August 8, 2002
Wednesdays 10:30pm-11:30pm
September 2, 2003
24 (only for Kanaal 2)24 Heures Chrono (only for RTL-TVi)
Kanaal 2 (Dutch)RTL-TVi (French)
Sunday 9:05pm (2 hour episodes) on Kanaal2
24 Horas ("24 Hours")
Canal Fox (English) (cable-subtitled) and Rede Globo (Portuguese)
March 1, 2002
Monday 9:00pm-10:00pm(previous episode),10:00pm-11:00pm(new episode) on Fox
Megavisión (Spanish) andCanal Fox (English) (cable-subtitled)
December 26, 2006
Monday to Thursday at 11:00 p.m. on Mega
Czech Republic
24 hodin ("24 Hours")
24 timer ("24 Hours")
TV2 and TV2 Zulu
February 3, 2002
MTV3, Subtv
October 13, 2002
24 tundi ("24 Hours")
24 heures chrono("24 hours stopwatch"/"24-hour countdown")
Canal+, TF1 and TF6
September 14, 2002
24 - Twenty Four
September 2, 2003
Wednesdays 9:10pm (three episodes)
Hong Kong
24 - Twenty Four
TVB Pearl
24 - Huszonnégy
MTV (Hungarian television) and "Cool" channels
December 2, 2002
Thursdays 10pm on "COOL" channel
שעות 24
Israel 10 (formerly Channel 10) and Xtra HOT
March 24, 2003
Saturday at 22:10 p.m. to 23:50 PM
Fuji TV and Fox Life Japan(List of 24 Japan voice actors)
South Korea
Korean subtitles: OCN, Super Action, AXNKorean dub: MBC(List of 24 Korea voice actors)
NTV7 (Season 4 onwards),8TV (Season 3 only),TV3 (Season 1 and 2 only)]]
24 Contagia (24 Infects) - (3rd Season)24 Alerta (24 Alert) - (4th Season)24 Inmortal (24 Inmortal) - (5th Season)
Canal Fox
July 21, 2005
24 - Twenty Four
RTL 5 (New episodes) and RTL 7 (Reruns)
September 3, 2002
1 eps. each Saturday
New Zealand
TV3 and Sky 1 (Reruns)
Showtime Arabia's TV Land andTV Land +2 and on AXN (cable)
TVMax (Spanish) andCanal Fox (English) (cable-subtitled)
RPN-9, ABS-CBN, Studio 23,AXN (Cable) and Crime Suspense Premier on December 24.
Przez 24 godziny ("For 24 Hours")
Canal+ and Polsat
September 7, 2003
Thursdays 9:30 p.m. (Canal+)
Saudi Arabia and Arab World
Showtime Arabia, Tv Land,Tv Land +2 (Subtitled), MBC 4 and Alrai TV
MediaCorp TV Channel 5
Saturdays 5 pm
FOX and Antena 3
March 24, 2003
Sri Lanka
Channel One MTV
German speaking region: SF zwei andFrench speaking region: Télévision Suisse Romande
March 6, 2003
SF zwei: Mondays 10:45pm (two episodes)
24反恐任務()("24 hours of an anti-terrorism mission")
Videoland MAX-TV
September 15, 2002
United Arab Emirates
TV Land, MBC 4
United Kingdom
BBC Two (first run) and BBC Three (re-runs)(seasons 1-2)Sky One (first run) and Sky Three (repeats)(seasons 3-onwards)
March 3, 2002
Sundays 9 pm
RCTV (Season 1) and Canal Fox

24 is an Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning American television series created by Joe Surnow and Robert Cochran, and produced by Imagine Television. It is broadcast in the USA by the Fox Network and syndicated worldwide. The show first aired on November 6, 2001, with an initial thirteen episodes. After leading actor Kiefer Sutherland won a Golden Globe for his role in the first 10 episodes, the ratings were boosted, which prompted FOX to order the second half of the series. Five seasons of 24 have been produced, and the sixth began airing on January 14, 2007.
24 is in real-time with each season following a 24-hour period in the life of federal agent Jack Bauer (played by Sutherland) as he tries to prevent terrorist attacks. The show also covers the actions of others associated with the attacks. It is based in Los Angeles, around the fictional Counter Terrorist Unit.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007
Di Belakang "Keribetan" 24
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
When Jack sees the mushroom cloud he has no choice but to get back to work. A Fayed contact is found to have links to Jack’s father, Phillip, whom Jack hasn’t seen in years. When Jack cannot find Phillip to question him, he contacts his brother Graem. Jack, who has a bad history with Graem, threatens to torture him unless he gives up where Phillip is. Jack does not know that Graem was one of the conspirators who had been controlling Logan almost two years ago.
5 kalimat yg selalu diucapkan jack bauer :
- i promise
- put the weapon down
- i give you my words
- this is jack...
- where is the bomb ??!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Terlahir Untuk Bauer ?
Gw cuma mo bilang, kayaknya permainan Kiefer di film ini beda banget sama film-filmnya yang lain. Gak tau deh, sesuatu yang bikin gw jadi ternganga dan bilang..."oh, ternyata dia bisa ya jadi idola..."
Kok iissooo....jarene bojoku emang neng film iki dewekke berhasil. Mulakno enthuk award macem-macem bolak-balik. Lha embuh mengko sak bar-e th.2008, iso koyo ngene meneh ora yo?
Buat nyang gak ngatri, bisa tanya langsung deh, ama nyang mbikin nih postingan...
Soal karakter sih, katanya sebenernya agen intel yang bener ya gitu itu. Do what has to be done! Halah...tapi tetep sopan dan lembutnya itu lo...kalo ngeliat video-video wawancaranya dia sih, kayaknya hampir sama karakter Kiefer sama Jack . Makanya, ada satu terbitan yang gw lupa apa, bilang kalo kayaknya Jack itu ada di dalam diri Kiefer...Kiefer terlahir untuk jadi Jack Bauer...
Oh ya? Masa' sih? Bener gak sih, bener kan, bener dong, ya kan, ya dooong......
Saturday, January 20, 2007
amit amit...
"pren kata kamu ? nyebut nama gue aja gak becus. its AKHMED...not amet...(hehe gitulah terjemahan semena-mena dari gue)
amet amet deh...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
9 AM - 10 AM
The following takes place between 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.
Jack reluctantly accepts the President’s request to lead the search for Fayed and the nuclear scientist. When a woman calls emergency services about her family being taken hostage and she mentions Fayed’s name, Jack goes there and gets the address of Fayed’s safe house. Jack tries to convince Curtis to work with Assad even though Curtis has a history with the former terrorist. Curtis becomes angry when the President grants a pardon to Assad. Curtis is about to shoot Assad but Jack intervenes by killing Curtis in order to save Assad’s life. Jack becomes emotionally distraught and tells Buchanan that he is quitting the mission. Jack looks on in horror as the nuclear bomb explodes in the sky.
8 AM - 9 AM
The following takes place between 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M.
Jack and Assad follow Masheer the handler and cause an accident so that Assad will have to drive Masheer to wherever he is going. This allows Jack and CTU to follow them to a storage facility. When Masheer sees the TAC teams, he blows up the storage locker in a suicide bombing.
7 AM to 8 AM
The following takes place between 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.
Free from Fayed’s underground hideout, Jack breaks into a car to use the cell phone inside. He calls CTU and the President to let them know that Fayed is behind the bombings. Assad is innocent. Nobody believes him, and they continue with their plan to take out Assad. Jack uses the phone to plug in the coordinates he overheard Fayed say was Assad’s location. He goes there and warns Assad what is about to happen. They manage to get out before the safe house is bombed. One of Assad’s men was a traitor, and gives up a location where Fayed’s men are meeting. Jack and Assad head there to find two men about to attack a subway car. Jack throws the suicide bomber out of the car, saving the passengers. Assad follows the other man, who will hopefully lead to Fayed.
24 Season 6 (2007)
The following takes place between 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M.
After being tortured for eighteen months in a Chinese prison, Jack is returned to the American government who trades him to a known terrorist named Fayed. Fayed wants revenge, blaming Jack for the death of his brother in a Beirut attack years ago. In exchange, Fayed gives the U.S. the location of the suspected terrorist Assad, who they believe is responsible for the current bombings on American soil. Jack is prepared to give up his own life to save his country. As Fayed tortures Jack, he admits that he is the one who is attacking America. Assad was only trying to broker peace. Armed with that information, Jack escapes from Fayed’s grasp.
About me

Born in California to German-American parents, Bauer trained and worked in various capacities as a government agent, including US Army Delta Force, LAPD SWAT, and finally the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Los Angeles. He is a key member of the latter and has prevented major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilians and government leaders. He has done so at great personal expense, as those he has thwarted have targeted him and his loved ones many times.