Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007
Di Belakang "Keribetan" 24
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
10.00 AM - 11.00 AM
When Jack sees the mushroom cloud he has no choice but to get back to work. A Fayed contact is found to have links to Jack’s father, Phillip, whom Jack hasn’t seen in years. When Jack cannot find Phillip to question him, he contacts his brother Graem. Jack, who has a bad history with Graem, threatens to torture him unless he gives up where Phillip is. Jack does not know that Graem was one of the conspirators who had been controlling Logan almost two years ago.
5 kalimat yg selalu diucapkan jack bauer :
- i promise
- put the weapon down
- i give you my words
- this is jack...
- where is the bomb ??!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Terlahir Untuk Bauer ?
Gw cuma mo bilang, kayaknya permainan Kiefer di film ini beda banget sama film-filmnya yang lain. Gak tau deh, sesuatu yang bikin gw jadi ternganga dan bilang..."oh, ternyata dia bisa ya jadi idola..."
Kok iissooo....jarene bojoku emang neng film iki dewekke berhasil. Mulakno enthuk award macem-macem bolak-balik. Lha embuh mengko sak bar-e th.2008, iso koyo ngene meneh ora yo?
Buat nyang gak ngatri, bisa tanya langsung deh, ama nyang mbikin nih postingan...
Soal karakter sih, katanya sebenernya agen intel yang bener ya gitu itu. Do what has to be done! Halah...tapi tetep sopan dan lembutnya itu lo...kalo ngeliat video-video wawancaranya dia sih, kayaknya hampir sama karakter Kiefer sama Jack . Makanya, ada satu terbitan yang gw lupa apa, bilang kalo kayaknya Jack itu ada di dalam diri Kiefer...Kiefer terlahir untuk jadi Jack Bauer...
Oh ya? Masa' sih? Bener gak sih, bener kan, bener dong, ya kan, ya dooong......
Saturday, January 20, 2007
amit amit...
"pren kata kamu ? nyebut nama gue aja gak becus. its AKHMED...not amet...(hehe gitulah terjemahan semena-mena dari gue)
amet amet deh...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
9 AM - 10 AM
The following takes place between 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.
Jack reluctantly accepts the President’s request to lead the search for Fayed and the nuclear scientist. When a woman calls emergency services about her family being taken hostage and she mentions Fayed’s name, Jack goes there and gets the address of Fayed’s safe house. Jack tries to convince Curtis to work with Assad even though Curtis has a history with the former terrorist. Curtis becomes angry when the President grants a pardon to Assad. Curtis is about to shoot Assad but Jack intervenes by killing Curtis in order to save Assad’s life. Jack becomes emotionally distraught and tells Buchanan that he is quitting the mission. Jack looks on in horror as the nuclear bomb explodes in the sky.
8 AM - 9 AM
The following takes place between 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M.
Jack and Assad follow Masheer the handler and cause an accident so that Assad will have to drive Masheer to wherever he is going. This allows Jack and CTU to follow them to a storage facility. When Masheer sees the TAC teams, he blows up the storage locker in a suicide bombing.
7 AM to 8 AM
The following takes place between 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M.
Free from Fayed’s underground hideout, Jack breaks into a car to use the cell phone inside. He calls CTU and the President to let them know that Fayed is behind the bombings. Assad is innocent. Nobody believes him, and they continue with their plan to take out Assad. Jack uses the phone to plug in the coordinates he overheard Fayed say was Assad’s location. He goes there and warns Assad what is about to happen. They manage to get out before the safe house is bombed. One of Assad’s men was a traitor, and gives up a location where Fayed’s men are meeting. Jack and Assad head there to find two men about to attack a subway car. Jack throws the suicide bomber out of the car, saving the passengers. Assad follows the other man, who will hopefully lead to Fayed.
24 Season 6 (2007)
The following takes place between 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M.
After being tortured for eighteen months in a Chinese prison, Jack is returned to the American government who trades him to a known terrorist named Fayed. Fayed wants revenge, blaming Jack for the death of his brother in a Beirut attack years ago. In exchange, Fayed gives the U.S. the location of the suspected terrorist Assad, who they believe is responsible for the current bombings on American soil. Jack is prepared to give up his own life to save his country. As Fayed tortures Jack, he admits that he is the one who is attacking America. Assad was only trying to broker peace. Armed with that information, Jack escapes from Fayed’s grasp.
About me

Born in California to German-American parents, Bauer trained and worked in various capacities as a government agent, including US Army Delta Force, LAPD SWAT, and finally the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) Los Angeles. He is a key member of the latter and has prevented major terrorist attacks on the United States, saving both civilians and government leaders. He has done so at great personal expense, as those he has thwarted have targeted him and his loved ones many times.