Tuesday, March 20, 2007

6.00 PM - 8.00 PM

6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M

Jack breaks free from the Russian guards and hides in the Consulate basement. He tries to call CTU with information about Gredenko, but all phone lines are cut. Jack gets a worker to find him a satellite phone, but they come under attack before he can call. Jack is rescued by the CTU SWAT team, and he has Agent Mike Doyle radio Buchanan with Gredenko’s location.

7:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M.

Jack has broken ribs and is sent back to CTU for treatment. He runs into Marilyn, who reveals that Audrey Raines was killed trying to save him in China. Jack is distraught, but he demands to help CTU bring down the terrorists to avenge Audrey’s death. Despite his chest injuries, Jack leads the field ops team to find Gredenko’s men and he lands the drone carrying the nuclear weapon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Mau tau awards apa aja yang udah di dapetin Kiefer, terutama buat film 24 ini? Daripada repot ngetik, mending klik aja disini. Penasaran ? Jangan sampe.....itu kan gampang, tinggal nonton aja filmnya, hehehe...

Under Estimate

Sampe sekarang, gue gak ngerti sendiri kok bisa under estimate ama Kiefer yah dulunya? Nyaho deh sekarang....

jarang nongol

di season 6 ini menurutku jack bauer jarang nongol. beda ama season sebelumnya yg tiap 5 menit, jack nongol. juga banyak banget muka muka baru. sampai sekarang aku masih bingung, gimana kabar bapaknya jack ? setelah ninggalin secarik kertas, sampai sekarang gak tau rimbanya. (atau gue yak yg missed 1 episode ?)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

4.00 PM - 6.00 PM

4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

With Phillip missing, Jack sends Marilyn and Josh back to CTU. He goes to meet with Logan even though he distrusts him. Logan insists that he can appeal to Markov, the Russian who has worked with Gredenk, because of their past relationship. Jack asks Wayne to grant Logan a furlough so that the former President can deal with Markov in person

5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M.

Jack accompanies Logan to the Russian Consulate. Logan believes that Markov is lying about his connection to Gredenko. Jack breaks into the Consulate building and tortures Markov until the man gives up that Gredenko is in the Mojave Desert arming drones with nuclear warheads. The Russian guards take Jack hostage before he can alert anyone about his discovery. Jack persuades one of the guards to call CTU with the news, but the guard is killed by his boss before he can warn CTU.

Monday, March 5, 2007

24 (season 1)

Season One of the television series 24 was first broadcast from November 6, 2001 to May 21, 2002. The season's storyline starts at 12:00 a.m. on the day of California Presidential primary.

“Right now, terrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate. My wife and daughter have been targeted, and people that I work with may be involved in both. I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and today is the longest day of my life.”

—Jack Bauer
