Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nunggu Season 7

Yeah...akhirnya season 6 selesai . Biasanya tiap minggu gw mesti baca episode guidenya karena gak sabar pengen tahu ceritanya. Selain itu ya intip-intip dikit clipnya di sana sini. Tapi sore ini, gw bener-bener udah selesai nonton DVDnya. Yah.....biasalah, yang gak resmi. Tadinya kirain bakal beli yang aslinya lagi lewat temen, tapi ternyata disini udah keluar bajakannya dan tersedia sampai episode terakhirnya. Cukup bagus gambarnya. Oke....bagus juga. Kalo toh ketangkep, ya...gw mau koook beli aslinya...

Hehehe...piss Jack ...please don't shoot me ! Kan penggemar setia...
Nah, sekarang nungguin season 7 nih. Masih lama, Januari tahun depan. Wah...Jack tambah tua aja deh, wong yang season 6 ini aja keliatan tuanya. Tapi tetep oke lah...hihihii

02.00 AM - 06.00 AM

2:00 A.M.-3:00 A.M.

Jack begs to be let go to help find the component, but Nadia keeps him under arrest. He sees Marilyn, who offers him emotional support. When the Chinese attack CTU, Jack is able to escape from the holding cell. He saves Marilyn and Josh, who is the target of the raid. Yet the three are captured. Jack asks the gunmen what they want with his nephew but he gets no answer.

3:00 A.M.-4:00 A.M.

Jack works with Nadia and Morris to attack the Chinese gunmen who have captured CTU. Doyle and the tac teams arrive to help them finish the job and secure the hostages. Jack and the teams go after Josh. Jack chases Cheng to the roof of a warehouse building and Josh breaks free from Cheng’s grasp. Josh falls, and when Jack goes to save him, Cheng escapes. Jack is ready to bring Josh back to his mother at CTU, but Doyle has Jack held down and grabs the boy instead. He explains to Jack that he is under orders to do so. Jack watches helplessly as Doyle leaves with Josh on a helicopter.

4:00 A.M. – 5:00 A.M.

Although Jack is in custody he calls Karen and begs her to save Josh because he knows Phillip won’t give up the component. Buchanan intercepts the vehicle transporting Jack to a detention facility and helps Jack flee. They go to the beach area where Phillip has instructed CTU to conduct the Josh handover. Yet they find a wounded Doyle and Phillip’s men escaping with Josh by boat. Since the boat must be meeting up with a larger vessel, Jack has Chloe search for oil platforms nearby because Phillip’s company has oil connections.

5:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.

Jack is informed that the White House has ordered an air strike on the oil platform where Phillip is holding Josh. Jack and Buchanan hijack the CTU chopper and go there. Firing at gunmen as they arrive, Jack captures Cheng. He then finds Josh, who has just shot Phillip. Jack convinces Josh not to kill Phillip and sends him to be rescued by Buchanan. Jack wants Phillip to pay for his sins, but there is no time to carry him back to the helicopter. Jack leaves his father to die on the oil rig. Buchanan flies the chopper and Jack leaps to the ladder dangling from it as the oil platform explodes from a missile attack. As they fly over the ocean, Jack jumps into the water and waves to Buchanan and Josh to let him flee. Jack makes his way to James Heller’s house and accuses his former boss of leaving him to die in China even when Audrey tried to save him. Jack demands to see Audrey, and Heller convinces him that she is better off not being in Jack’s life. Jack says goodbye to the unconscious Audrey and tells her that he will always love her. Jack walks out of the house and stares at the ocean, unsure of what he will do next.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mimpinya david

harusnya khan aku yg mimpiin jack bauer. tapi ini malah suamiku kekkekekkek...tadi malam dia mimpi jadi anak buah jack bauer. lol

laki bini sama aja, cinta jack !!

PS : dilarang muntah

Friday, May 18, 2007


Penasaran belum nonton 24 season 6, gak bisa ngapa2in selain baca episode guide ama cuplikannya di 24fans.net. Enak banget deh itu maduku yang hidup di negara asal film itu. Jadinya gw cuma bisa kangen aja pengen liat aksinya si mas Jack yang baru, sambil mbayangin udah setua apa dia ya...hlo?! selera yang aneh....

Ya udah, untung ada orang yang bisa dijadikan kambing hitam buat alasan gw nyetel lagi dvdnya. Season 5 aja deh yang gw tonton lagi. Seru abis deh !

Eh...jadi inget pas chat conference bertiga ama temen and maduku ini, itu temen gw hampir ngambek. Dia bilang udah sebel banget kalo kita berdua udah ngomongin Jack. Hahahahahah....lagian masuk room kita gak bawa ember....buat muntah maksudnya.....hahahahah

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

11.00 PM - 02.00 AM

11:00 P.M.-12:00 A.M.

Cheng wants Jack to trade him the Russian nuclear bomb trigger in return for Audrey. Jack gets caught trying to steal the trigger circuit board from the bomb, and he is forced to appeal to President Palmer. He promises Wayne that he will destroy the board before it actually falls into the hands of the Chinese, and the President gives him the go-ahead. When Daniels takes over the Oval Office, his first order is to stop Jack from trading the circuit boards. Doyle is told to apprehend Jack, but Jack takes over the car from him at gunpoint. He leaves Doyle on the side of the road as he goes off to meet with Cheng.

12:00 A.M.-1:00 A.M.

Jack evades CTU’s tracking and makes Cheng meet him at an abandoned hotel. Jack sees Audrey for the first time and apologizes for what he has caused. He sends her out alone to a waiting taxi. As Jack is about to explode himself up along with the circuit board, Doyle appears outside and starts a gun fight with the Chinese guards. Cheng escapes with the component before Jack could destroy it. He is angry with Doyle for ruining his plan, but Doyle is ordered to arrest Jack. Audrey is brought back to the hotel, muttering the same phrase over and over. Jack realizes that she doesn’t recognize her. He fears that the Chinese might have done something to her.

1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M.

Although Jack tries to get through to Audrey, he is arrested by Doyle. Yet when Nadia agrees with a doctor’s intention to drug Audrey even more, Doyle allows Jack to escape from holding in order to save her. Audrey finally says something that is a lead -- the name of the place where the Chinese were holding her. James Heller arrives at CTU to take Audrey, and he warns Jack to stay away from his daughter forever.